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1 December 2023
Cape Town

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Every year, we host the Games for Change Africa Festival. This vibrant gathering brings together everyone interested in using games to drive social, learning, and business goals across the continent.

If you’re passionate about games and recognise its potential to make real-world change, this is your ultimate destination.

This year, the G4C Africa Festival will be held on December 1, 2023 in Cape Town during Africa Games Week – the leading event on the continent for the games industry.

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[button text=”Get Your tickets” color=”white” size=”larger” padding=”12px 30px 12px 30px” radius=”9″ link=”https://www.quicket.co.za/events/219336-africa-games-week-2023/#/tickets” target=”_blank” class=”black-btn”]


Use code: G4CA2023
to get 20% off your ticket




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Follow us and stay up to date:    #G4CA2023


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[follow style=”fill” align=”center” instagram=”https://www.instagram.com/gamesforchangeafrica/” twitter=”https://twitter.com/G4C_Africa” linkedin=”https://www.linkedin.com/company/77041859/” class=”custom-social”]



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This year we aim not just to highlight but to catalyse real progress, leveraging games to envision a brighter African future.



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Africa’s gaming scene: its truths, myths, triumphs, and challenges. Discover the global evolution of games and XR across education, health, civic engagement, sustainability, and beyond..



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Imagine an Africa where games address crucial challenges. Join industry leaders to shape our vibrant gaming future. Craft a strategic action plan together.



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Enhance your game design skills and showcase African creativity! Join our Game Design Sprint with experts and gear up for a life-changing opportunity from G4C Global.



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Connect with community members and like-minded organisations from around the globe in this unique, interactive networking opportunity.





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and more.




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Main Stage


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Workshop Area




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10:00 – Opening Ceremony with Susanna Pollack


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10:30 – African Game Industry: Myths Debunked





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11:00 – Lightning Talks



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[ux_banner height=”500px” link=”#gamedesignsprint” class=”hov”]

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11:00 – Game Design Sprint
part 1



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12:00 – Play to Meet




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13:00 – Lunch



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14:00 – Game Changers



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[text_box width=”100″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]

14:00 – Game Design Sprint
part 2




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16:30 – Pitch to Change



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17:30 – Closing Ceremony







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[button text=”Get your tickets” style=”bevel” size=”larger” padding=”12px 20px 12px 20px” radius=”5″ expand=”0″ link=”https://www.quicket.co.za/events/219336-africa-games-week-2023/#/tickets” target=”_blank” class=”gradient”]


[col_inner span=”8″ span__sm=”12″]

[ux_text text_align=”left” text_align__sm=”center”]


Africa Games Week, now in its 6th edition, has established itself as the premium business event in Africa for the video game industry. Developers, content creators and industry leaders come from across Africa and the globe to connect, engage and grow the African Game Industry.

The event is made up of sub-conferences across three industry verticals, that include premium speakers, panels, workshops, pitch competitions, deal tourism and B2B meetings.






[section label=”Exploring the power of games” bg_color=”rgb(0,0,0)” padding=”0px”]

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Join us to inspire meaningful change on the African continent using the transformative power of games.




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1 December 2023
Cape Town

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29-30 November 2023
Cape Town






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