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Exploring the power of games to drive social impact and economic growth in Africa.

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Africa’s continent is home to a young, dynamic population which is playing a key role in the expansion of the gaming industry.

Our mission is to shape the evolving landscape of African gaming and foster a community where games are leveraged for their potential to drive positive change.

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1 December 2023
Cape Town
South Africa

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Every year, we host the Games for Change Africa Festival. This vibrant gathering brings together everyone interested in using games to drive social, learning, and business goals across the continent.

If you’re passionate about games and recognise its potential to make real-world change, this is your ultimate destination.

This year, the G4C Africa Festival will be held on December 1, 2023 in Cape Town during Africa Games Week – the leading event on the continent for the games industry.

[button text=”Learn More” color=”white” size=”xlarge” radius=”9″ link=”/g4c-africa-festival/” class=”white-btn”]


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Follow us and stay up to date:    #G4CA2023


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[follow style=”fill” align=”center” instagram=”https://www.instagram.com/gamesforchangeafrica/” twitter=”https://twitter.com/G4C_Africa” linkedin=”https://www.linkedin.com/company/77041859/” class=”custom-social”]



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[button text=”Get your tickets” style=”bevel” size=”larger” padding=”12px 20px 12px 20px” radius=”5″ expand=”0″ link=”https://www.quicket.co.za/events/219336-africa-games-week-2023/#/tickets” target=”_blank” class=”gradient”]


Use code: G4CA2023
to get 20% off your ticket

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Africa Games Week, now in its 6th edition, has established itself as the premium business event in Africa for the video game industry. Developers, content creators and industry leaders come from across Africa and the globe to connect, engage and grow the African Game Industry.

The event is made up of sub-conferences across three industry verticals, that include premium speakers, panels, workshops, pitch competitions, deal tourism and B2B meetings.



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We invite everyone who wants to imagine, inspire and ignite the future of gaming for social impact to join the G4C Africa journey!



